Comments Plus +comments & Reviews

Once I edit the comment and return to the cell, the comment feature behaves normally, but only for that cell. If I add new data & comment, everything works fine. But for all of the data that was in my document prior to the 'change', I find I have to edit all the comments one by one to fix it. 30+ Sample Report Card Comments (Plus a Printable Version, Too!) Help has arrived for report card time! Effective parent-teacher communication is a cornerstone to effective parent involvement. ヅsleep tight pupperAd: Check out my current Giveaway w/ G2A: Comment Plus is now distributed via Code Canyon and supported by a new team. Please refer to the above page for this plugin documentation. In this site the original Comment Plus plugin will be available and supported to who has an account with an active contract. Comment Plus magically extends the WordPress comment system.

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  2. Comments Plus +comments & Reviews 2017
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Spss 21 download for mac. Use the COMMENT statement to add a comment about a table, view, materialized view, or column into the data dictionary.

To drop a comment from the database, set it to the empty string ' '.

See Also:

  • 'Comments' for more information on associating comments with SQL statements and schema objects

  • Oracle Database Reference for information on the data dictionary views that display comments


The object about which you are adding a comment must be in your own schema or:

  • To add a comment to a table, view, or materialized view, you must have COMMENTANYTABLE system privilege.

  • To add a comment to an indextype, you must have the CREATEANYINDEXTYPE system privilege.

  • To add a comment to an operator, you must have the CREATEANYOPERATOR system privilege.



Description of the illustration comment.gif


TABLE Clause

Specify the schema and name of the table or materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the table or materialized view is in your own schema.


In earlier releases, you could use this clause to create a comment on a materialized view. You should now use the COMMENTONMATERIALIZEDVIEW clause for materialized views.


Specify the name of the column of a table, view, or materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the table, view, or materialized view is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular table or column by querying the data dictionary views USER_TAB_COMMENTS, DBA_TAB_COMMENTS, or ALL_TAB_COMMENTS or USER_COL_COMMENTS, DBA_COL_COMMENTS, or ALL_COL_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the operator to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the operator is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular operator by querying the data dictionary views USER_OPERATOR_COMMENTS, DBA_OPERATOR_COMMENTS, or ALL_OPERATOR_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the indextype to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the indextype is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular indextype by querying the data dictionary views USER_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS, DBA_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS, or ALL_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the materialized view is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular materialized view by querying the data dictionary views USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS, DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS, or ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS.

IS 'string'

Specify the text of the comment. Please refer to 'Text Literals' for a syntax description of 'string'.



Creating Comments: Example To insert an explanatory remark on the job_id column of the employees table, you might issue the following statement:

To drop this comment from the database, issue the following statement:


Use the COMMENT statement to add a comment about a table, view, materialized view, or column into the data dictionary.

To drop a comment from the database, set it to the empty string ' '.

See Also:

  • 'Comments' for more information on associating comments with SQL statements and schema objects

  • Oracle Database Reference for information on the data dictionary views that display comments


The object about which you are adding a comment must be in your own schema or:

  • To add a comment to a table, view, or materialized view, you must have COMMENTANYTABLE system privilege.

  • To add a comment to an indextype, you must have the CREATEANYINDEXTYPE system privilege.

  • To add a comment to an operator, you must have the CREATEANYOPERATOR system privilege.



Description of the illustration comment.gif



TABLE Clause

Specify the schema and name of the table or materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the table or materialized view is in your own schema.


In earlier releases, you could use this clause to create a comment on a materialized view. You should now use the COMMENTONMATERIALIZEDVIEW clause for materialized views.


Specify the name of the column of a table, view, or materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the table, view, or materialized view is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular table or column by querying the data dictionary views USER_TAB_COMMENTS, DBA_TAB_COMMENTS, or ALL_TAB_COMMENTS or USER_COL_COMMENTS, DBA_COL_COMMENTS, or ALL_COL_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the operator to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the operator is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular operator by querying the data dictionary views USER_OPERATOR_COMMENTS, DBA_OPERATOR_COMMENTS, or ALL_OPERATOR_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the indextype to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the indextype is in your own schema.

You can view the comments on a particular indextype by querying the data dictionary views USER_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS, DBA_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS, or ALL_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS.


Specify the name of the materialized view to be commented. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the materialized view is in your own schema.

Comments Plus +comments & Reviews Expedia

You can view the comments on a particular materialized view by querying the data dictionary views USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS, DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS, or ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS.

IS 'string'

Specify the text of the comment. Please refer to 'Text Literals' for a syntax description of 'string'.


Comments Plus +comments & Reviews 2017

Creating Comments: Example To insert an explanatory remark on the job_id column of the employees table, you might issue the following statement:

Comments Plus +comments & Reviews -

To drop this comment from the database, issue the following statement: