
‘Tis the season to be jolly. December is one of the most magical times of the year where we decorate our homes with lights, wreaths, stockings, and of course a Christmas tree. You can find many different shapes and sizes of cut trees at local garden centers.

This year you might consider getting a live Christmas tree. These trees have the roots intact and can be planted after the holidays. A live tree takes a little more care but it is well worth the effort.

‘Tis the season to be jolly. December is one of the most magical times of the year where we decorate our homes with lights, wreaths, stockings, and of course a Christmas tree. Trees can enhance any property with beauty, shade, tranquility, and home value. It Because they’re so advantageous to keep healthy, it’s crucial to learn as much as you can about tree care tips for your property. Christmas trees in the United States are a big deal. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, 25-30 million are sold every year.Many environmentalists cringe at this thought, but there are lots of options for making this once-a-year practice more sustainable.

Caring For Your Live Christmas Tree

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, and you can make them even better by your choice in Christmas tree. Minimizing your contribution to waste in any way possible during this time is helpful, and making informed decisions about where your decorations, such as your Christmas tree, is a great place to start. One of the major perks of choosing an artificial Christmas tree? You can reuse it for the next holiday season—and the one after that, and the one after that. (Plus, you don’t have to water it.) The downside? You have to figure out how and where to store your tree so that it’s ready to be put on display 12 months from now. Chances are, your faux Christmas tree came in a box—but that’s.

Step 1

Tree Your World

Dig a hole now, before the ground is frozen, where your tree will live after Christmas is over. You will not need to plant it immediately; the hole will be a spot to set it until spring.


Step 2

Keep your tree outside, but out of the wind and out of the direct sun.

Step 3

Keep the roots moist with snow if we have it or just give it some water. Coldwater, not warm from the tap. Sounds silly, but it makes a difference.

Step 4

Limit its time indoors to as short a period as humanly possible. One week to ten days is recommended, for lights, decorations, and presents. Put a tray or saucer under it and pile ice cubes on the top of its root-ball. The ice will melt and water the tree slowly with cold dripping water. Check the ice every day to make sure the tree stays hydrated while in the house. If it is too dry, water it.

Step 5

Just like with cut trees, your live tree will be healthiest away from heat vents, drafts, and out of direct southwest facing windows. Or pull the blinds shut during the day.

Step 6

Tree Your

You will need a transition zone for your tree that is not freezing but cooler than indoors. An unheated garage, barn, or some other outbuilding that will not freeze. While your yule tree is inside, it will begin to “wake-up”. It will be important to ease your tree back into the outdoors, by using this transition zone.

Step 7

After Christmas, put it out into its transition zone for another week, then it can go outside. If it goes straight from inside conditions to outside temperatures, it will shock and suffer damage.


Step 8

If you have not dug a hole for it in advance, keep it in its pot, out of the wind and sun, and out from under eves of the house where water dripping can form into ice and damage the tree. Snow is usually protective and not a concern. If the tree is exposed and we have no snow for more than a month, you can water it with cold water as needed.

Step 9

When spring arrives and the soil is workable again, you will plant your tree as you would any new tree.

Caring for your live Christmas tree is important. A healthy, vibrant tree is the centerpiece for your holiday decorations. Re-planting allows you to enjoy your Christmas tree for years. You might even want to add outdoor lights to your tree the following holiday.

Want to add a splash of color this Christmas? Check out our Easy Guide to Growing Amaryllis.